This site is to bring attention to community affairs that matter to inner city communities with our Big City, including music and environmental Issues.This blog is covered under:
874 Maqam Save One Search Engine
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Eulogy To The Community
The Brooks Family has lost two teen sons in September 2010 Jeremy Jamal Brooks was gun down Sept 2, 2010 and JaJuan Jacob Brooks was gun down Sept 30, 2010. JaJuan was buried today Oct 8th, 2010. When Jeremy was gun down the police statement was the older brother is a high ranking member of a Chicago street gang and since they couldn't get to him they targeted Jeremy. To read more and the full blog on this please go to this link:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Young Men Wake Up Why Be A Thug On Your Job
Our young inner city children especially the boys and young men all ready have been stereo=typed as murderers, uneducated, unchangeable, lazy,ignorant, savages. So why portray negative behavior on your jobs by throwing gang signs, threating co-workers, and sometimes supervisors and managers with gang violence. As and OG when I was a teen and older if I had showed any of this type of negative behavior I would've had to face a violation from my nation. Because one thing we were told is that you should be able to sit in a room with a CEO of a business and no one should know that you're a gangster. And we couldn't go in front of a board member or higher without being well groomed because we were representing our nation, family, and community. We had to respect our elders and the women in our community. Brothers wanna claim 74 or any other street organization but don't wanna follow the main rules: EDUCATION AND JOBS if you didn't have a job you needed to be going to trade school or someones building of education, because standing on the corners and cursing,drinking etc was a major NO NO. Because if someone of authority saw you or was told you were out of pocket you would be checked. What you do negative in the streets (aka your job) only cast a negative light on you, your family, nation and community.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Respect Your Mother Young Men and Women
This is mainly for the young men in how to treat women and especially your mother. I lost my mom at the age of 14 years-old and she taught me a lot in those short years. When a young man can scream and talk to his mom as if she was stranger on the street who had wronged him that's a disgrace not only to himself but his family as a whole and young woman the same goes for you. I know for a fact at 14 years old I was still trying to figure life out. But in this day and time children figure by age 12 and up that they're grown and no one can tell them anything and not thinking that their mom is the one who bore them by the grace of GOD gave them life and this is how you honor her or your dad. When you show that type of disrespect it's a reflection on your character. Because if u can't respect your parents who can you respect when I hear stories of young men cursing their moms out in front of a church while service is going on disrupting the service to the point one of the pastors has to come out and ask him to back up from his mom and stop talking to her in that manner and then he gets and attitude with the pastor. If you can't respect the church how can you respect your mom or anyone else. That type of blatant disrespect only shows your hypercritical nature as a Christian and as a human being. Young men how you treat your mom only shows how you will treat your girlfriend or future wife. Young people already have a stereo-type of being disrespectful unruly savages so remember what you do in life can and will follow you for the rest of your life.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Is Mr. Weis Really In-Charge (NOT)!
Jody Weis is just full of him self when he can say gang members fear him and the wrath he can bring down on them, I guess he wants to feel like he's the big cheese and is in-charge of the streets (NOT). I know for a fact that street organizations have been policing themselves for years and the checks and balances are coming back on the streets and for those individuals claiming Folks or Peoples Nations and you're not well you know the business. And as far as for the police chief get off your high horse and work with the stop the violence organizations in order to have peace on the streets of Chicago. And before Mr. Weis can try and check the street nations how about cleaning up your own corrupt house first. And as you said in an interview when asked would you live in Englewood or one of the high gang crime areas?,you stuttered and said " MAYBE IF I COULD CLEAN UP THE AREA FIRST " or MAYBE I WOULD JUST TRY AND FIND A BETTER NEIGHBORHOOD TO LIVE IN FIRST. Well Mr. Weis a lot of us who live in the inner city don't have that opinion to just pick-up and move to a better area quote-unquote and what we deserve is the same protection you give to the "GOLD COAST and UPPER NORTH SIDE of Chicago and what that shows is you really don't care about the inner city. And most likely the Mayor is putting pressure on you to get something done; because 2011 is and election year for him.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Self Awareness Are We Urban Terrorist?
Brothers and Sisters Of All Street Organizations: WAKE-UP!! especially in the Chi let's get back to self awareness and take care of our communities and police ourselves and OG's who came up from the foundations of the 5 and the 6 points lets get out here and wake these brothers and sister up. Let them know this senseless non-sense is not how to carry themselves and or represent their nations. Because the powers that be Jody Weis and Mayor Daley are on some under handed sneaky shit and a lot of innocent well meaning brothers and sisters are gonna take unnecessary falls. If Police Superintendent Jody Weis calls a meeting with any organization it's a set-up. Come on he and the Mayor has never gave a damn about the inner city so why would they care now. Just think do they really want peace in the street? And where's the National Guard the Mayor claimed he was calling in earlier in the year? Wake-Up brothers and sisters of all races the powers that be are only putting on a show of caring for the media, including Gov. Quinn. They wanna label us URBAN TERRORIST so that they can strip us of our civil and human rights. Don't let your greed for the dollar guide you, taking care of yourself,your children and your community should be your driving force. Look in the mirror " ARE YOU AND URBAN TERRORIST " is this how you wanna be labeled? Remember what B.O.S/S.O.S stands for. MUCH LOVE from " BANDIT OG "
Sunday, August 29, 2010
How Far Have We Come 47 Years After MLK I Have A Dream Speech
Friday, August 27, 2010
Poverty In Illinois
It's sad the we have places outside of Chicago in rural areas where people are living well below and I mean well below the poverty line. There's places in Illinois where people don't have proper sanitation where they are using buckets and out houses as toilets and living in tin shacks and mud roads, and can't get mail because where they live isn't on a map and they don't have a zip code. In my wildest dreams could I have imagine this not just in Illinois but in America period. Because the stereotype is that people in third world countries or maybe in back woods rural areas in the south may live like that but never could this happen in the Midwest.Well there is a town of African Americans in Illinois who live in these conditions and there are many more hidden across the US where people of all nationalities are suffering. So lose the stereotype because it happens here too.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Big Easy Five Years Later
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Chicago Police Shoot And Kill
There are people with troubled past but that should not be a reason to shoot them if witnesses accounts are correct a african american male was shot and killed by Chicago police after a high speed chase and according to alleged statements made by his girl friend who was riding in the vehicle at the time, stated the gentleman didn't pull over when first stopped by police because he was driving on a suspended license. Police reports say the gentleman hit a few officers with the vehicle and pinned a officer against another vehicle with his car and thats when he was shot. Witnesses say he was surrounded by police and exited the vehicle with his hands up and thats when they saw police shoot him. Police accounts say he exited the car with a weapon and was asked to drop it and pointed the weapon and was shot and killed. Witnesses say they heard about 50 gun shots by police. And even though the victims family says he had a checkered pass it doesn't give the police the right to shot someone. It's no secret that the PD isn't liked in Chicago's inner city and there's a good reason for that but let's remember all cops aren't crooked. So all we can do is wait and see how the investigation turns out. ,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Be Parents Not Just Friends
The reason we have so many problems with children and teens now days is because adults wanna be their children's friends and not be parents. A lot of young parents now days wanna dress like their kids and call the friends of their children a friend also. And allow their children to use profanity around them and toward them and then wanna get upset when they asked their son's or daughter to do chores or have a curfew the child rebells like they're talking to someone on the streets and not to the person whose putting a roof over their heads. The problem is when you couldn't separate parenthood from friendship, none of us were given a manual on how to be parents and a lot of us just abandon our upbringing because you felt your parents were to strict in setting curfew and giving you chores to do in the house, and then you wonder how could your child disrespect you and wanna harm you physically, and the answer is because you're looked at as a friend not a respected and loved parent so you get the same treatment as a homey or hang out buddy. So before you start pointing the finger look in the mirror and say "in solving the problem with-in the community it starts with me and it starts at home." And I feel if that formula is adopted then maybe we can start to fix the problems with-in the village instead of turning a blind eye. It's not up to the schools, police and the government to raise our children it,s up to families and the community to band together and help each other and parents start being parents and not kids, our youth need guidance and not just adult friends.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Your Vote Counts In The Inner City
It's time for those of us who live in the inner city around America to stop being the victims and stop waiting on city and state government to save us. And when elections come in your city put those individuals in office who are willing to hear your voice and concerns and who will not just pat children on the head and say nice things in order to get your vote, and for those who don't vote for a change or a call to action with-in your community don't sit and complain after the fact when the crime rate hasn't change. Stop letting others who have no positive views or interest in the state of our communities determine our plight. There our people in the inner city who have goals and who do take care of themselves and family legally and who live in fear of assault and death daily. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge of self and if you don't understand the past how can you see a bright future. Take pride in yourself by saying enough is enough with your political vote and work together and hold the politicians accountable for working to put positive programs in our communities, because they work for us we hired them with our vote. And remember the inner city wasn't always this violent just check the history.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
A Few Hours Of Peace In The Village
Today it was great to have a few hours of peace during Chicago's Bud Billiken Parade seeing people smiling, laughing and having fun. The weather may have been partly cloudy to sunny but it didn't put a damper on the people in the village getting a few hours or maybe the entire day from sirens, screams and gun fire. Even in the wild-wild 100Th there were block parties, children playing and neighbors enjoying the day with music and food. Let us all use this day as the model to build on for the rest of the year, because if we can have a few hours of peace we can have a day, a month and hopefully a year.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Chicago Heat Wave
We have had some real hot days here in the Chi and yesterday two babies died what is to believed from the extreme heat. All we can do is pray for the family and please lets use our best judgement in these days of extreme heat indexes. Parents make sure your kids drink plenty of cold water not pop and for those that don't have AC and your fans are not cooling enough please go to a cooling center in your area, or to a family members home etc. We must check on love ones and the elderly GOD BLESS AND STAY COOL
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Family Destoyed
According to news reports a 17 yr old gang member was arrested for the accidential shooting death of his 5 yr old nephew. He took the gun to the house and left it out, the kids found it and a tragedy happened. To read the full blog go to COMMUNITYAFFAIRS.WORDPRESS.COM
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Chicago New Crime Stopper
Well supposely now chicago has a new electronic system that according to Mr. Jody Weis is suppose to help police with gang activity, gang turf, gang wars well I can we will see chicago. To view the full blog go to 874 WHO CARES IN THE BIG CITY.WORDPRESS.COM
Friday, August 6, 2010
Why Blame Obama Chicago
August 4th was President Obama birthday and on his arrival to chicago there were protest rally's concerning the senseless violence and murders especially in the inner city. As I was watching the news a comment was made by a young teen gentleman and I quote: MR. OBAMA IF YOU FORGET ABOUT US WE WILL FORGET ABOUT YOU IN THE NEXT ELECTION." Ok let's stop and think for a moment Mr. Obama is the president for the entire united states not just chicago, and I don't feel he has forgotten about the city or state and in saying that I can understand the frustration and the fear especially in the inner city where the murder rate is so high. This is why we elect mayors and governors and we should be outraged at Mayor Daley and the Police Chief foremost and then Governor Quinn, for not stepping up to the plate and addressing the issues that plague the inner city of chicago. And for those that don't know the mayor does'nt care about the inner city his focus is on the GOLD COAST, NORTHSIDE, AND HIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and until the residents of chicago understand that there will always be and anger against the president because for some reason people wanna put this savior tag on him, the man has a country to run and I feel he cares for every american. So people in these communities need to get up off your butts and make a change with-in your areas and protest from city hall to the state capital and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Fenger HS
It seems that fenger high school students/former students are being targeted in my opinion. I know of 3 students that have been killed just in 2010 alone, and I really don't understand why. During the 2009-2010 school year some claimed it was because children from altgeld gargen housing projects were being bus to fenger and that was the cause of the violence at fenger, which caused a huge debate between parents on both sides along with finger pointing by students also who were claiming they were being harassed because they were being bused in from altgeld gardens. Honestly who can say whose to blame, but I feel it's ignorance to blame in the village and a lack of communication. Please let's continue to move forward for peace in the streets.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Let Everyone Be Involved In The Peace Process
From July 30th-August 1st,2010 were some of the most violent days this summer. The most chillin was a young man was ambushed and shot 22 times and then the word on the street is he was not the intended target(WTH). And then you see on the news selected churches were seen marching. The violence in chicago streets are not just a Operation Push problem it's a community and city problem and it's not fair to the organizations that are doing great things in crime ridden area's to not be invited to the table, or to be given a voice in the so called peace process, and how many MARCHES are we gonna see. If marching was the solution the violence would've stopped years ago, until we can get on the streets and talk to these young people the senseless violence will continue. We have a lot of vacant lots and abandant homes in the inner city, let's get on the mayor and alderpersons to utilize some of these property's to have more Boys/Girls clubs and after school programs for our young people to have a safe haven and a place where positive things can be done. Bring in some OG's aka former gang members to mentor or even just have a forum where the voices of these young people can be heard, because they have ideas concerning the peace process and they have real fears. I would like to commend a church whose doing great things and no they're not on TV with operation push and their pastor isn't invited to any of the operation push panal meetings aka gang summits but Allen Metropolitan Church is doing great things with the youth in the roseland/englewood area and you don't have to be a member of the church to be a part of the programs they have. They are reaching out in a quiet but postive way, they bring in chefs, teachers, business people to teach and work with the kids from per-school age and up to young adults their program should be a model for all of us trying to find at least one solution to this senseless violence and destruction in our neighborhoods.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Rick Ross/Larry Hoover Jr Meeting
I would say I was one of those who were upset when I heard rick ross song BLOWING MONEY I also felt it was a disrespect to Mr. Larry Hoover and his entire family and also to those of us who have love and respect for him and want to see him free. I would like to thank Larry Jr and those who met with Mr. Ross and had a peaceful conversation concerning the use of Larry Sr name in a drug song.Because if not for that meeting things would've become nasty and violent, because I read the youtube comments and they were not nice at all. What Rick Ross has to understand is make your music and don't try and be something that you're not. King Larry Hoover is known around the world and is a political prisoner who has been stripped of his rights and guys must understand he's mush loved and respected here in the US. So STOP putting your crap on myspace,youtube and the internet and saying it came from Larry Sr because eyes are watching.
Chicago 79th Western
Wow what a monday there were eight people shot and injured in broad day light in and area with police camera's and that usually have a strong police presence except for this day. To me human life is human life amd the police could be upset that a few officers have been killed this year which is sad. But still the job of serve and protect must be done. I may agree that this incident could be gang related but please don't turn your back on a community or the inner city as a whole. And mayor Daley has to care about more than the gold coast, his neighborhood and the northside. Because if this same incident had happen up north there would have been extra police presence so called gang members would have been questioned, harrassed and all drug activity would've been shut down for a while. The mayor is the mayor for the entire city not just for the so called upper crust all citizens want to be protected and safe. And to those who continue to want to destroy communities and lifes and say they represent certain street organizations Tha Movement is watching you and the kid gloves are off if you can't be positive with-in these communities and only wanna destroy the bull dozer is coming and the checks and balances are back out on the street. So we can have peace the easy way or the hard way it's up to you and remember life isn't a video game and has no reset button(hint hint)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Another young life
This past week in the Chi another young life lost I don't know what it's gonna take but something gotta give. Life should be cherished and young people have to understand life isn't a video game and once you make that decision to pick up that weapon and kill someone just becuz, not only have u taken a life but you've destroyed two families and a community. I live by the rule I ONLY HAVE TO PROVE MYSELF TO ALLAH, NOT MAN. And if someone tells you any order for you to hang with us or for you to be a friend you have to go comment this murder WRONG!. As a former active street organization(gang)member I was never told no crap like that and if someone had said that to me I woulda said you go do. Becuz guys will tell you that lie and then say it came from the chairman or the board, stop listening to stupid ass people, educate yourself and be your own person be a postive leader with-in your family and community.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Agree To Disagree
To all the B.O.S/S.O.S in every community there has to be a positive solution to this senseless violence on the nations streets, especially when it comes to chicago and Indiana. Some will except change and others will never change who want to see communities in terror, because in their cowardly minds this makes them strong. We can never give up on reaching out to those in our communities. Peaceful change may not come over night, but I believe it will come by the communities stepping up and screaming STOP THE VIOLENCE AND GIVE US PEACE.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tha Movement
Since my days as CEO/Founder of SAVE ONE GANG PREVENTION, have I seen and organization for peace hit the ground running. I had been talking to OG's for years to lets put an organization together and deal with the violence in the streets in a peaceful manner. Because these young men and women may be more willing to those who been in these different street organizations, than to someone who may have read a book on gang activity and really doesn't have a clue as to what's happening. Majority of the time guiys would say " LET EM KILL EACH OTHER SINCE THEY THINK THEY KNOW EVERYTHING ". And in some cases I understand where the OG's where coming from, but on the same note they forgot someone helped us to understand along the way, and they we have families and I know I want my family, friends and just people in our communities to feel safe. I would like to commend Wallace "Gator" Bradley and Jim Allen for working hard and having a vision to bringing peace to the street, by bringing the OG's, Active Organization members together who were once enemies, to come up with a peaceful solution to the problems in our communities through dialog, and they have not excluded other grass roots organizations from the mix either. (freelarry)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
As parents we pray for our kids, I have two stepsons locked down Maine and my PR: Oso, who I pray for daily. And today I find out my son Kenyatta was locked down again and it doesn't look good, but I put everything into ALLAH hands. I know I hadn't been the best dad or stepdad in the past, I love my kids. I look up to my boys and they look up to me, I'm hard on my boys, but they all know my soft side. My daughters what can I say they melt my heart, when I try to be firm with them it doesn't work. I just would love for all Latino's and African-American men/women young/old to understand, we're our worst enemy. Killing each other, disrespecting one another. Young G's/ OG's locked down or not; maybe if we respect our women then they could respect us and themselves. Real G's take care and support family, respect their neighborhoods, not destroy them. Our young people treat life as if there's a reset button quick to grap a gun, GOD Help Us. Much love to my three dudes I got mad love for you. And to my little dudes Antonio Miguel and Isaiah, I'm gonna do my best to be a better dad to you and your brothers and sisters. MUCH RESPECT
Remembering Young Life
A 15 year old life has been snuff out, for what reason maybe only the killer and the victim knows for sure. We as inner city americans should be wondering what went wrong, as it pertains to the young lifes lost in the past 3 years. Life isn't a video game we have no reset button, once ur dead ur dead. For some reason young people don't street fight aka box anymore. So I guess carrying a gun gives them that courage to harm or take the life of another, I can give a 3-5 year old a gun and teach them to pull the trigger it doesn't make them a man or woman, it just makes them a child with a gun. WHO CARES IN THE BIG CITY: I Do
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
To all who follow my blogs u can also find WHO CARES IN THE BIG CITY on U can also find on my other blogs: COMMUNITY AFFAIRS and KGH874. It's free so leave ur comments/feed back. Thank U
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lena Horne
Lena Horne has always been a goddess in my eyes and a great pioneer for actresses everyone, especially those of color. Thanx Ms. Horne for the door u helped open(RIP).
Sunday, May 9, 2010
National Guard In Chi-Town
I posted on my wordpress blogs:whocaresinthebigcity and community affairs, concerning the Mayor of Chicago and his brown nosen POLICE CHIEF. At some point the citizens of chicago has to wake up and realize the only reason Mayor Daley is throwing hints of the national guard, becuz he has a butt licking spineless, yellow back, coward of a man in charge of one of the largest city police dept. Who can't make a decision without asking the mayor's permission. All citizen safety should be a matter of the police dept and the mayor. Instead of trying to put the responsiblity on the National Guard whose already spreaded thin fight wars. If the mayor wanna do something put more police presents in the inner city. STOP!!! only caring about the GOLD COAST/NORTHSIDE of the city.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Latino/Latina Immigration
Arizona has passed a screwed up law concerning immigration, where a Arizona police can stop and espanic or latino and asked for proof of citzenship or a passport. What america has to realize is this country was built on the sweat of different races, if we all were told to leave our native american brothers/sisters would be the only ones allowed to the land. As a puerto rican/african american male, understand the concerns of letting illegal immigrates into the country. But we can't put the blame on the immigate, instead we should put the blame on greedy company owners who want to pay people(illegal immig) cash under the table, which leaves out legal americans who want and need a job. So let's regulate business owners more, and help those who want to full fill and american dream to become and american citzen.
Friday, April 23, 2010
My Blogs
For some reason Google stopped my blogger page saying it seemed like spam. None of my blogs, from blogger, myspace,wordpress has no spam.
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