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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Rick Ross/Larry Hoover Jr Meeting
I would say I was one of those who were upset when I heard rick ross song BLOWING MONEY I also felt it was a disrespect to Mr. Larry Hoover and his entire family and also to those of us who have love and respect for him and want to see him free. I would like to thank Larry Jr and those who met with Mr. Ross and had a peaceful conversation concerning the use of Larry Sr name in a drug song.Because if not for that meeting things would've become nasty and violent, because I read the youtube comments and they were not nice at all. What Rick Ross has to understand is make your music and don't try and be something that you're not. King Larry Hoover is known around the world and is a political prisoner who has been stripped of his rights and guys must understand he's mush loved and respected here in the US. So STOP putting your crap on myspace,youtube and the internet and saying it came from Larry Sr because eyes are watching.
Chicago 79th Western
Wow what a monday there were eight people shot and injured in broad day light in and area with police camera's and that usually have a strong police presence except for this day. To me human life is human life amd the police could be upset that a few officers have been killed this year which is sad. But still the job of serve and protect must be done. I may agree that this incident could be gang related but please don't turn your back on a community or the inner city as a whole. And mayor Daley has to care about more than the gold coast, his neighborhood and the northside. Because if this same incident had happen up north there would have been extra police presence so called gang members would have been questioned, harrassed and all drug activity would've been shut down for a while. The mayor is the mayor for the entire city not just for the so called upper crust all citizens want to be protected and safe. And to those who continue to want to destroy communities and lifes and say they represent certain street organizations Tha Movement is watching you and the kid gloves are off if you can't be positive with-in these communities and only wanna destroy the bull dozer is coming and the checks and balances are back out on the street. So we can have peace the easy way or the hard way it's up to you and remember life isn't a video game and has no reset button(hint hint)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Another young life
This past week in the Chi another young life lost I don't know what it's gonna take but something gotta give. Life should be cherished and young people have to understand life isn't a video game and once you make that decision to pick up that weapon and kill someone just becuz, not only have u taken a life but you've destroyed two families and a community. I live by the rule I ONLY HAVE TO PROVE MYSELF TO ALLAH, NOT MAN. And if someone tells you any order for you to hang with us or for you to be a friend you have to go comment this murder WRONG!. As a former active street organization(gang)member I was never told no crap like that and if someone had said that to me I woulda said you go do. Becuz guys will tell you that lie and then say it came from the chairman or the board, stop listening to stupid ass people, educate yourself and be your own person be a postive leader with-in your family and community.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Agree To Disagree
To all the B.O.S/S.O.S in every community there has to be a positive solution to this senseless violence on the nations streets, especially when it comes to chicago and Indiana. Some will except change and others will never change who want to see communities in terror, because in their cowardly minds this makes them strong. We can never give up on reaching out to those in our communities. Peaceful change may not come over night, but I believe it will come by the communities stepping up and screaming STOP THE VIOLENCE AND GIVE US PEACE.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tha Movement
Since my days as CEO/Founder of SAVE ONE GANG PREVENTION, have I seen and organization for peace hit the ground running. I had been talking to OG's for years to lets put an organization together and deal with the violence in the streets in a peaceful manner. Because these young men and women may be more willing to those who been in these different street organizations, than to someone who may have read a book on gang activity and really doesn't have a clue as to what's happening. Majority of the time guiys would say " LET EM KILL EACH OTHER SINCE THEY THINK THEY KNOW EVERYTHING ". And in some cases I understand where the OG's where coming from, but on the same note they forgot someone helped us to understand along the way, and they we have families and I know I want my family, friends and just people in our communities to feel safe. I would like to commend Wallace "Gator" Bradley and Jim Allen for working hard and having a vision to bringing peace to the street, by bringing the OG's, Active Organization members together who were once enemies, to come up with a peaceful solution to the problems in our communities through dialog, and they have not excluded other grass roots organizations from the mix either. (freelarry)
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