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Friday, August 6, 2010

Why Blame Obama Chicago

August 4th was President Obama birthday and on his arrival to chicago there were protest rally's concerning the senseless violence and murders especially in the inner city. As I was watching the news a comment was made by a young teen gentleman and I quote: MR. OBAMA IF YOU FORGET ABOUT US WE WILL FORGET ABOUT YOU IN THE NEXT ELECTION." Ok let's stop and think for a moment Mr. Obama is the president for the entire united states not just chicago, and I don't feel he has forgotten about the city or state and in saying that I can understand the frustration and the fear especially in the inner city where the murder rate is so high. This is why we elect mayors and governors and we should be outraged at Mayor Daley and the Police Chief foremost and then Governor Quinn, for not stepping up to the plate and addressing the issues that plague the inner city of chicago. And for those that don't know the mayor does'nt care about the inner city his focus is on the GOLD COAST, NORTHSIDE, AND HIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and until the residents of chicago understand that there will always be and anger against the president because for some reason people wanna put this savior tag on him, the man has a country to run and I feel he cares for every american. So people in these communities need to get up off your butts and make a change with-in your areas and protest from city hall to the state capital and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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