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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chicago 79th Western

Wow what a monday there were eight people shot and injured in broad day light in and area with police camera's and that usually have a strong police presence except for this day. To me human life is human life amd the police could be upset that a few officers have been killed this year which is sad. But still the job of serve and protect must be done. I may agree that this incident could be gang related but please don't turn your back on a community or the inner city as a whole. And mayor Daley has to care about more than the gold coast, his neighborhood and the northside. Because if this same incident had happen up north there would have been extra police presence so called gang members would have been questioned, harrassed and all drug activity would've been shut down for a while. The mayor is the mayor for the entire city not just for the so called upper crust all citizens want to be protected and safe. And to those who continue to want to destroy communities and lifes and say they represent certain street organizations Tha Movement is watching you and the kid gloves are off if you can't be positive with-in these communities and only wanna destroy the bull dozer is coming and the checks and balances are back out on the street. So we can have peace the easy way or the hard way it's up to you and remember life isn't a video game and has no reset button(hint hint)

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